Community Volunteer Network
Foster Grandparent Program
Community Volunteer Network’s Foster Grandparent Program offers a multigenerational avenue for developing meaningful relationships, deep connections and shared experiences that are long-lasting. The Foster Grandparent Program has been in existence since 1965 and is partially federally funded by AmeriCorps Seniors. Volunteer participants in our Foster Grandparent Program are older adults ages 55 plus who offer support, love, and wisdom to children and youth in Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath counties. Foster Grandparents serve between 10 and 40 hours a week in early learning centers, elementary schools, and various community settings. Volunteers get to choose their hours and days that they serve and also choose where they serve.
The Foster Grandparent Program offers many benefits to volunteers, children, and youth. One of the most important benefits of our program for volunteers is they remain physically and mentally active. Many volunteers report the quality of their lives is greatly improved through participation in this program. Volunteers receive a modest hourly, TAX-FREE stipend. The TAX-FREE stipend is non-declarable and will not affect any other State or Federal benefits one receives. Other benefits include transportation reimbursement, paid time off, training, accident, personal liability, and excess automobile liability insurance as well as community recognition.
All you need to join is the ability to give the support, comfort, and care that can set a child on the path toward a successful future. If you’re 55 or older and want to share your experience and compassion, you have what it takes to be a Foster Grandparent! Call 541-857-7786 or email FGP@retirement.org to learn more.
Volunteering Details
- Non-Taxable Supplemental Income
- Transportation Reimbursement
- Insurance
- Recognition
- Socialization
- On-Site Meals (when available)
- Role Model and Mentor
- Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement
- Social/Emotional Support
- Companionship
- Trusted Listening Ear
- Extra Help
- Consistent and Flexible Schedule
- Support System
- Small Group and One-on-one Youth Support
- AmeriCorps Seniors – Foster Grandparents are local National Service Volunteers.
- Older Adults – Volunteers are adults age 55 and over.
- Low Income – Participants live at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.
- Compassionate and Non-Judgmental – Volunteers come from all walks of life and have diverse lived experiences.
- Background Checked – Participants have passed an FBI fingerprint and sex offender screening.
Helping you help others
Community Volunteer Network, a division of PRS, is a not-for-profit 501(c) organization serving seniors in Southern Oregon. Older adults can volunteer within their community, while seniors who lack support systems can receive needed services.
RSVP, formerly known as the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, provides a variety of opportunities for adults age 55+ to participate fully in the life of their community through significant volunteer service.
- Call-A-Ride Program: Email callaride@retirement.org or call 541-857-7783
- Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance Program (SHIBA) – In Jackson County email rsvp@retirement.org or call 541-857-7780 and in Josephine or Douglas County email SHIBA@retirement.org or call 541-646-3461
- Age Wise Age Well peer counseling – email rsvp@retirement.org or call 541-857-7780
Volunteering Details
- Volunteers must be at least 55 years of age.
- Supplemental Income
- Mileage Reimbursement
- Volunteer Recognition
We'd Like to Thank
Anna May Family Foundation
Jackson County Klamath Basin United Way RVTDAmeriCorps Seniors
Anna May Family Foundation Jackson County Klamath Basin United Way United Way of Jackson County RVCOG Senior and Disability Services RVTD (Rogue Valley Transportation District) SHIBA (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance) SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program) SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol)