Getting Help
Here to Help You
Are you an adult age 60+ in Jackson County who is isolated from family or community members and needs help? RSVP may be able to provide the support you need through one of its services.
Community Volunteer Network (CVN) collaborates with AmeriCorps Seniors, a nationwide organization aimed at engaging volunteers ages 55 and older to serve their local communities. Through AmeriCorps’ RSVP Program, thousands of older Americans are paired with volunteer organizations. CVN is sponsored by Pacific Retirement Services, Inc. (PRS), a not-for-profit Oregon corporation and sole member of CVN.
Community Volunteer Network (CVN) is a nonprofit organization proudly serving older adults in Southern Oregon. With the help of local volunteers, we offer these services:
Do you need help getting to and from your doctor’s appointments? Our volunteer drivers transport senior (age 60+) and disabled residents of Jackson County with no other means of transportation to their medical-related appointments. For assistance email callaride@retirement.org or call 541-857-7783.
Are you confused and overwhelmed by health coverage options and the wide array of state and federal programs? Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance, or SHIBA, helps people navigate the confusing world of health insurance and Medicare through informational presentations and one-on-one counseling. For more information about the overall program, please visit the State of Oregon’s Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance Program website. For assistance in Jackson County email rsvp@retirement.org or call 541-857-7780 and in Josephine or Douglas County email SHIBA@retirement.org or call 541-646-3461.
Income Support
Join the Foster Grandparent program. Earn a tax exempt stipend while enriching the lives of young learners in your community. Experience the joy of giving back while earning money. Contact us at FGP@retirement.org or 541-857-7786 to learn more.
Age Wise Age Well
Are you struggling with overwhelming life issues and don’t have anyone to talk to? Age Wise Age Well is a peer-counseling program that serves adults age 60+ living in the Rogue Valley who are experiencing difficulty in some aspect of their lives. Peer counselors are not psychologists, but, after special training, they serve as a supportive, listening friend who has probably faced challenges similar to yours. Call us at 541-857-7780 or email us at rsvp@retirement.org for assistance.